Introducing a major innovation in wetsuit comfort; Reactive, the first wetsuit in dive to use Omnired™ Infrared fabric, a responsive textile, that continuously warms the diver using their own body heat.
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Anatomically correct pattern for three dimension fit throughout
Technical Specifications
ELASTEK FULL-STRETCH neoprene combined with Omnired™ fabric for our highest degree of warmth, stretch and comfort
Reactive uses Omnired™ Infrared technology to turn wasted body heat into usable infrared energy. The lining is enhanced with 13 thermoreactive minerals woven into the fabric of the wetsuit that react to your body heat converting it to infrared energy and reflecting it back to the body increasing circulation and body warmth.
Using our patented No Stitch Technology (NST) process, until now only found in our drysuits, Reactive is made without a single seam stitch keeping you drier, warmer and diving longer